Learnings from the Newspaper 18/11/2020

  1. Blueprint for a new Bihar….
    • blueprint for something is a plan or set of proposals that shows how it is expected to work. ;Scheme,Plan,Design
    • Ex: We will discuss the blueprint of the upcoming elections.( हम आने वाले चुनाव की योजना पर चर्चा करेंगे)
  2. BJP now eyes Bengal and Tamil Nadu….
    • If you eye someone or something in a particular way, you look at them carefully in that way.
    • He is eying the upcoming CDSE exam.(मैं आने वालीCDSE  परीक्षा पास करने का इरादा बना रहा है)
  3.  The Placebo effect shows….
    • placebo is a substance with no effects that a doctor gives to a patient instead of a drug.
    • Some people consider homeopathy to be a placebo.
  4. Is Delhi contemplating a lockdown….
    • If you contemplate an idea or subject, you think about it carefully for a long time.
    • With nothing to do , he is contemplating his future.( क्योंकि उसके पास करने को कुछ नहीं है वह अपने भविष्य के बारे में गहराई से सोच रहा है)
  5. Augusta Westland deal :  How kickbacks were paid….
    • kickback is a sum of money that is paid to someone illegally, for example money which a company pays someone to arrange for the company to be chosen to do an important job.
    • He was given kickbacks to pass the tender.( उसको टेंडर पास करने के लिए रिश्वत दी गई थी)
  6. Former PWD minister arrested in graft case….
    • In politicsgraft is used to refer to the activity of using power or authority to obtain money dishonestly.
    • Former PWD minister arrested in graft case.( पूर्व पीडब्ल्यूडी मंत्री को घूसखोरी के केस में गिरफ्तार किया गया)
  7. Now Adhir Ranjan hits out at Sibal….
    • to attack in words; criticize severely
    • The manager hit out at his staff for not completing the work.( मैनेजर ने स्टाफ के काम ना करने पर तीखी आलोचना की)

New Batch from 14th June.